Doodle dump in the form of a blog post, since it's easier and it's not on muh lil' art page... but on my news one.
Ok thats it everybody, go home now.
Practitioner artist ...
Age 18
Ice Caps
Joined on 12/13/20
Posted by Mardode - 1 month ago
I've been on and off with the actual progress, but I'm getting there!
So far, I have 11 pages drafted and only one mostly inked I think??? I had the plot in my head, and a blurry vision of the conclusion, but getting from point-to-point has been hard for me.
I've been having fun though; between frustration I'll find that I drafted a pretty cool looking panel!
Sadly though... It's going to make my brain blow up ACTUALLY getting to finishing it...
Keeping it within the realms of what I can do is hard when you envision some cool stuff going on. especially if said cool stuff is something you've never drawn before.
Overall, it's been a learning experience, very educational! Benkyo!
I'm getting close to finishing the story now, so the next thing before I submit my work will probably be some ink work, this will be my first comic I've ever actually finished, so I'm getting excited!
Do not be fooled by my artist rendition, I do not actually have a bandana that says "Artuer".
I wish I did though.
Posted by Mardode - February 2nd, 2025
Work snippets of my ARTIC COMISSION one shot!
I've been having the most fun doing some semi-dynamic angles and designing snowmobiles for the MGC Workers like the SVS-Buggy that I showed off last time.
I've got a lot of time until the genuine deadline in April and I want to get it done early...
But I don't think I'll be getting it done early. So far, I spent way too long on the first page inking the first big panel, I want to polish it up more, here is a small portion of what I've got done far.
Looks pretty ok to me! But hammering in and eradicating any "artistic" slag would make it complete, that and halftones and shading would make it look even more spectacular.
Afterwards adding more textures and shine to the car and figuring out how to make snow LOOK like snow instead of sand would define what things are better, I think. That and make characters more visible due to the contrast.
I have a lot of work ahead of me, I'm hardly close to finishing, but even so. I'm anxious to what people will think of it when it is done.
Until then I'll keep re-reading dialog and scrapping draft pages until I have something I'll be happy with.
ONWARDS !!! TO WORK !!! !!! !!!
Posted by Mardode - January 26th, 2025
Prior to finding out about the NG JUMP contest, I had already began working on my comic that I'm working on.
But I'm not going to stick with this as the cover and I'm going to make a new one, so I'm posting it here as a blog now for fun.
Besides that, I also have the initial SVS Buggy draft I made when I first started working on it.
I don't think I'll post anymore art until I've finished my submission, so this is my excuse to throw something unfinished out as an excuse to go MIA for a month or two maybe.